OPAA Spring Training
Hyatt on Capitol Square - Columbus, Ohio
March 23 & 24, 2006
The second day of the seminar will be directed at traffic safety issues. Professor John Kwasnoski, who was very well received at our 2003 Fall Training, will return to present additional information on crash reconstruction. Alfred Staubus, Pharm.D., Ph.D., and Judge Mark P. Painter will also be featured on Friday.
Thursday, March 23
9:00 - 10:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
10:00-12:00 The CSI Effect: Entertainment-Created Expectations in Criminal Prosecutions.
This presentation will discuss how prosecutors can deal with this "CSI effect" and juror expectations, which are often unrealistic, based on exaggerated and misleading portrayals in movies and television.
Clifford R. Strider, III
Assistant District Attorney
3rd Judicial District
Ruston, LA
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:30 The Role of the Prosecutor in the Revolving Door of the Mentally Ill in the Court.
Justice Stratton will provide an update on the mental health courts in Ohio and give an update on the work of the Advisory Committee on Mentally Ill in the Courts which she chairs. She will specifically focus on the role of the prosecutor in the operation of Ohio's mental health courts.
Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton
Ohio Supreme Court
1:30-2:30 Cross Examination of Experts
This presentation will address the cross examination of defense experts with suggestions and tips on how to attack these experts, with emphasis on the "bought" testimony.
Clifford R. Strider, III
Assistant District Attorney
3rd Judicial District
Ruston, LA
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 Intensive Program Prisons
This presentation will detail several ninety-day programs, for which certain inmates are eligible, that are characterized by concentrated and rigorous specialized treatment services. The selection and notice process, the effect on the original sentence, and post-release supervision will also be discussed.
Sara Andrews, Superintendent
Ohio Adult Parole Authority
James R. Guy, Staff Counsel
Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Stephen Young, Staff Counsel
Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
3:45-4:45 Wiretaps and Electronic Information Gathering
AUSA Bakeman will detail the legal authority, the standards, and process of obtaining wiretaps both on a state and federal level, and will include actual case examples in his presentation.
Ronald B. Bakeman
Assistant United States Attorney
Northern District of Ohio
Friday, March 24
7:30 - 8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30-9:45 Crash Reconstruction: Defeating the Defense Expert
Prof. Kwasnoski will offer a detailed program on crash investigations and reconstruction, and will present in a manner which will enable lay persons to easily understand the various concepts.
John B. Kwasnoski
Professor Emeritus of Forensic Physics
Western New England College
Springfield, MA
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00-11:45 Crash Reconstruction continues....
11:45-12:45 Lunch
12:45-1:45 OVI Issues From the Defense Perspective
Dr. Staubus will present on the various defense attacks on breathalyzer machines, blood analysis, OAC rules compliance, the use of defense experts, and the various methods and basis for challenges on OVI related issues.
Alfred E. Staubus, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
Columbus, OH
1:45-2:00 Break
2:00-4:00 Writing to Win Your OVI Motions and Appeals
Judge Painter will present on the art of legal writing with an emphasis on changing writing styles by writing in plain language, purging legal jargons, and using shorter sentences and paragraphs. Judge Painter will offer a variety of rules and suggestions to facilitate the foregoing.
Judge Mark P. Painter
First District Court of Appeals
Cincinnati, OH
The room rate at the Hyatt on Capitol Square is $130.00 for single or double occupancy. To make reservations, call 614-228-1234. Tell them you are with OPAA to obtain our rate. The cut-off date for our block of rooms is Friday, February 24th. Hotel check-in time is 3:00 p.m., and check-out time is 12:00 noon. The registration fee is $200.00 for both days. This covers all handout materials, continental breakfasts, breaks, and lunches on both days. The fee for one day only is $125.00. Due to the expense of producing the training manual, a $40.00 penalty will apply to all cancellations made through March 17th, and a copy of the manual will be sent. To help defray the cost of food guarantees, cancellations after March 17th will be accessed a $100.00 penalty if scheduled to attend both days, and a $75.00 penalty if scheduled for one day only. Please send registrations to OPAA by March 10th -- earlier if possible.
(If any registrant has special dietary needs, please have them contact Delores at 614-221-1266 so that advance arrangements can be made with the hotel.) |